Two Locations:
Nu-Chiropractic, Inc.
1335 Dublin Road
Columbus, Ohio 43215
12721 State Route 56 East
Circleville, Ohio 43113
What is NUCCA?
NUCCA-pronounced "Nú-ka"-is an
acronym which stands for: National Upper Cervical Chiropractic
Association. The NUCCA Organization is supported by
research associations known as NUCCRA (National Upper Cervical
Research Association) and UCRF (Upper Cervical Research
Foundation), consisting of university professors and doctors,
providing the latest research data for NUCCA seminars, lectures,
and articles.
The NUCCA system of spinal correction is
very gentle.
No twisting or thrusting into the spine is required for
correction. The NUCCA technique is
We utilize precision instruments to analyze specific x-rays of
your spine. These x-ray measurements are then combined
with calculations based upon laws of physics and biomechanics in
order to determine a spinal correction (adjustment) that is
completely unique to you. No two people are the same,
therefore no two spinal problems are exactly the same. Results
are measurable and reproducible. By measuring a post
(after adjustment) x-ray, we are able to show you positive
changes that have occurred.